Prepare your environment on UNIX

Test and debug your DataBlade® module in a nonproduction HCL Informix® database server environment because debugging interferes with the operation of the database server.

To successfully test and debug your DataBlade® module, set your environment so you can access your Informix® database server installation and build your DataBlade® module shared object.

To run your Informix® database server, check that these environment variables are set properly: INFORMIXDIR, PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, ONCONFIG, and INFORMIXSERVER. See the Informix® Administrator's Guide for more information about configuring your Informix® database server.

When testing your DataBlade® module, set the TESTDB environment variable to the name of your test database.

To recompile your DataBlade® module shared object file during debugging, also set the TARGET environment variable. See Compiling on a UNIX operating system for more information about the TARGET environment variable.