Most user-defined routines

BladeSmith generates only minimal code for most routines you create with the Routine wizard.

The generated code

BladeSmith generates only templates for most user-defined routines.

The generated routine declares the routine, its return type, and arguments. In addition to the arguments you specified when creating the routine, these functions also have an MI_FPARAM argument. Only generated routines that allow null values have code that uses the MI_FPARAM argument. The generated code in these routines uses MI_FPARAM to set the return value of the routine to NULL.

Complete the code

To complete the code for most user-defined routines, you must:
  • Add your declarations, if necessary.
  • Remove the call to mi_db_error_raise(), which raises an error stating that the routine is not implemented.
  • Compute the return value and store it in the Gen_RetVal argument.
  • Remove the call to mi_fp_setreturnisnull() that sets the return value of your routine to NULL, if necessary.

For more information about programming routines, see the Informix® DataBlade® API Programmer's Guide.


The following example DataBlade® modules have user-defined routines:
Table 1. Example DataBlade® modules that have UDRs
Example DataBlade® module Description
Business DataBlade® module Provides mathematical functions for calculating loans.
Circle DataBlade® module Provides distance and containment functions that operate on opaque data types.
FuzzyMatch DataBlade® module Provides functions for handling row data types and comparing opaque data types.
Parts Explosion DataBlade® module and DataBladeAPI DataBlade® module Provide functions for handling and returning collection data types.
Strings DataBlade® module. Provides character-string manipulation functions.

The Mercury DataBlade® module exercise in the tutorial provides examples of cast support functions.