Write opaque-type support functions

The database server does not know the internal representation of an opaque type. To handle the internal representation, you write opaque-type support functions. These support functions tell the database server how to interact with the opaque type.

The following table summarizes the opaque-type support functions.
Category of support function Opaque-type support functions More information
Support functions as casts input, output receive, send, import, export importbin, exportbin Support functions as casts
Stream support functions streamwrite(), streamread() Stream support functions
Disk-storage support functions assign(), destroy() Disk-storage support functions
Other support functions compare(), deepcopy(), update() The Informix® User-Defined Routines and Data Types Developer's Guide

The following sections provide information specific to the development of the opaque-type support functions as C UDRs. For a general discussion of opaque-type support functions, see the Informix® User-Defined Routines and Data Types Developer's Guide.