Write the parallelizable UDR

To write a parallelizable C UDR, you must ensure that the UDR does not include any calls to the non-PDQ-threadsafe DataBlade® API functions.

The following table lists non-PDQ-threadsafe DataBlade® API functions.

Table 1. Non-PDQ-threadsafe DataBlade® API functions

Table showing the non-PDQ-threadsafe DataBlade® API functions, category, and task. The rows list the category, followed by the task.

Category of non-PDQ-threadsafe function DataBlade® API function
Statement processing:
Statement execution

A parallelizable UDR cannot parse an SQL statement.

mi_exec(), mi_prepare()
Current-statement processing

No current statement exists in a parallelizable UDR. Therefore, these functions are not useful.

mi_binary_query(), mi_command_is_finished(), mi_get_result(), mi_get_row_desc_without_row(), mi_next_row(), mi_query_finish(), mi_query_interrupt(), mi_result_command_name(), mi_result_row_count(), mi_value(), mi_value_by_name()
Prepared statements

No prepared statement exists because you cannot prepare one in a parallelizable UDR. Therefore, these functions are not useful.

mi_close_statement(), mi_drop_prepared_statement(), mi_exec_prepared_statement(), mi_fetch_statement(), mi_get_statement_row_desc(), mi_open_prepared_statement(), mi_statement_command_name()

All input-parameter accessor functions: mi_parameter_* (see Input-parameter information in the statement descriptor)

Transfer of data

Even though these type-transfer functions are PDQ-threadsafe, they are usually called within the send and receive support functions of an opaque type and are likely to be called during statement processing.

All type-transfer functions: mi_get_*, mi_put_* (see Conversion of opaque-type data with computer-specific data types)
Other mi_current_command_name()
Save-set handling All save-set functions: mi_save_set_* (see Save-set functions of the DataBlade API)
Complex-type (collections and row types) handling:
Collection processing All collection functions: mi_collection_* (see Collections)
Row-type processing mi_get_row_desc(), mi_get_row_desc_from_type_desc(), mi_get_row_desc_without_row(), mi_get_statement_row_desc()

mi_row_create(), mi_row_free(), mi_row_desc_create(), mi_row_desc_free()

Complex-type processing Type-descriptor accessor functions if they access a complex type: mi_type_* (see Data type information in a type descriptor )

Column functions if they access a complex type: mi_column_* (see Field and column information in the row descriptor)

Operating-system file access All file-access functions: mi_file_* (see DataBlade API file-access functions )
Even though the files listed here are not PDQ-threadsafe, you can include most statements that generate trace output in a parallelizable UDR. mi_tracefile_set(), mi_tracelevel_set() GL_DPRINTF
Miscellaneous mi_get_connection_option(), mi_get_database_info(), mi_get_session_connection(), mi_get_type_source_type()
A parallelizable C UDR cannot call (either explicitly or implicitly) any of the DataBlade® API functions in Non-PDQ-threadsafe DataBlade API functions. If you attempt to run a UDR that contains a non-PDQ-threadsafe function in parallel, the database server generates an error. If your UDR must call one of the functions in Non-PDQ-threadsafe DataBlade API functions, it cannot be parallelizable.
Keep in mind the following considerations when you write a UDR to be parallelizable:
  • For a UDR that operates on an opaque type to be parallelizable, all support functions of the opaque type must be parallelizable.
  • A UDR that operates on complex data types cannot be parallelizable.
  • A UDR can be parallelizable whether it runs in the CPU VP or a user-defined VP.
  • A UDR that acts as a functional index cannot be parallelizable.
  • A UDR that is parallelizable cannot call a UDR that is not parallelizable (either explicitly or with the Fastpath interface).