Handling character arguments
When the routine manager receives text data for a C UDR, it puts
this text data into an mi_lvarchar varying-length structure.
It then passes a pointer to this mi_lvarchar structure as the MI_DATUM structure
for the UDR argument. Therefore, a C UDR must have its text parameter
declared as a pointer to an mi_lvarchar structure when the
parameter accepts data from the following SQL character data types:
Use of the SQL TEXT data type in a C UDR is not supported.
For more information about the NCHAR and NVARCHAR data types, see the Informix® GLS User's Guide.
Important: These SQL data types cannot be represented
as null-terminated strings. A C UDR never receives a null-terminated
string as an argument. Do not code a C UDR to receive null-terminated
strings as arguments. For more information about how to access mi_lvarchar,
see Varying-length data type structures.
For example, suppose you want to define a user-defined function
named initial_cap() that accepts a VARCHAR string, ensures
that the string begins with an uppercase letter, and ensures that
the rest of the string consists of lowercase letters. This UDR would
be useful in the following query to retrieve a customers last name:
SELECT customer_num
FROM customer
WHERE initial_cap(lname) = "Sadler";
In the preceding query, use of the initial_cap() function means that you do not have to ensure that the customer last names (in the lname column) were entered with an initial uppercase letter. The preceding query would locate the customer number for either Sadler or sadler.
The following CREATE FUNCTION statement registers the initial_cap() function
in the database:
CREATE FUNCTION initial_cap(str VARCHAR(50))
EXTERNAL NAME '/usr/udrs/text/checkcaps.so'
The following declaration of initial_cap() specifies an mi_lvarchar pointer
as the parameter data type even though the function is registered
to accept a VARCHAR column value:
/* Valid C UDR declaration for string parameter */
mi_lvarchar *initial_cap(str)
mi_lvarchar *str;
The following declaration of initial_cap() is invalid because
it specifies an mi_string pointer as the parameter data type:
/* INVALID declaration for string parameter */
mi_string *initial_cap(string)
mi_string *string;
The initial_cap() function in the preceding declaration would not execute correctly because it interprets its argument as an mi_string value when the routine manager actually sends this argument as an mi_lvarchar value.
The following code fragment shows the implementation of the initial_cap() function.
Tip: A C UDR that returns data for one of the SQL character
data types must return a pointer to an mi_lvarchar. The initial_cap() function
returns a varying-length structure to hold the initial-capital string.
For more information, see Return character values.