Create a new trace class

To create your own trace class, define an entry for the trace class in the systraceclasses system catalog table.

By default, all users can view this table, but only users with the DBA privilege can modify it. You can create as many trace classes as you like. The database server prevents you from creating a trace class name that is already in use.

The following code fragment shows the INSERT statement that creates a trace class named funcEntry.
Figure 1. Creating the funcEntry trace class
INSERT INTO informix.systraceclasses(name)
   VALUES ('funcEntry');
When you insert a new trace class into systraceclasses, the database server assigns it a unique identifier, called a trace-class identifier. It stores this trace-class identifier in the classid column of systraceclasses.
Tip: For more information about the columns of the systraceclasses system catalog table, see the Informix® Guide to SQL: Reference.