Variable declaration

In a C UDR, you declare variables to hold information just as you would in a C function. The DataBlade® API provides many data types for variable declaration.

The DataBlade® API adds special prefixes to the names of its data types, as the following table shows.
DataBlade® API data type Data type prefix More information
Data types to hold SQL data types mi_ DataBlade API, C, and SQL data types
Data type structures that hold information for DataBlade® API functions MI_ DataBlade API data type structures

Correspondence of SQL data types to DataBlade API data types lists where in this publication each of the SQL data types is discussed in detail.

Use the DataBlade® API data types for variable declaration in your C UDR even if there is a C-language equivalent. The DataBlade® API data types are more portable if your C UDR moves to different computer architectures. For more information, see DataBlade API data types.