Create user-defined XA-support routines
You can create user-defined XA-support routines, such as xa_open(), xa_start(), xa_prepare(), xa_rollback(), xa_commit(), xa_recover(), xa_complete(), xa_forget(), xa_close(), and xa_end(). These purpose functions are used for transaction management.
You use these functions when you create XA data source
types for external XA-compliant data sources.
Important: Even
though HCL Informix® does
not call all of the routines described in this section, you must have
the routines to use as parameters when you create an XA data source
type. In the CREATE XADATASOURCE TYPE statement, all of the parameters
are mandatory.
There is no reason to run these functions directly from SQL or from user-defined routines.
The functions that you create must follow X/Open XA standards.
Important: You cannot drop an XA support user-defined routine
until all of the XA data source types that use the support function
are dropped.