Initialize the DataBlade® API

Before you can use the DataBlade® API to communicate with the database server, you must make sure that it is initialized.

When you establish a connection, the DataBlade® API function automatically initializes the DataBlade® API. However, if your DataBlade® API module does not establish a connection, it must still ensure that it initializes the DataBlade® API.
Important: If the DataBlade® API was not initialized, calls to subsequent DataBlade® API functions generate errors.
The following table lists the functions that can initialize the DataBlade® API.
Table 1. DataBlade® API functions that initialize the DataBlade® API
DataBlade® API initialization function Valid in client LIBMI application? Valid in user-defined routine?
mi_client_locale() Yes Yes
mi_get_default_connection_info() Yes Yes
mi_get_default_database_info() Yes Yes
mi_get_next_sysname() Yes No
mi_get_parameter_info() Yes Yes
mi_init_library() Yes No
mi_open() Yes Yes
mi_register_callback() Yes Yes
mi_server_connect() Yes No
mi_set_default_connection_info() Yes Ignored
mi_set_default_database_info() Yes Ignored
mi_set_parameter_info() Yes No
mi_sysname() Yes Yes

One of the functions listed in the preceding table must be the first DataBlade® API function called in a DataBlade® API session. If you do not call one of these functions, the DataBlade® API is not initialized and all subsequent DataBlade® API calls return error status.