Open a collection with mi_collection_open()

When you open a collection with mi_collection_open(), you obtain an update scroll cursor to hold the collection elements. Therefore, you can perform operations on a collection opened with mi_collection_open().

Cursor attribute Valid operations
Read/write cursor Insert, delete, update, fetch
Scroll cursor Fetch forward and backward through the collection elements

All Fetch operations are valid. (See Valid cursor-action constants)

The following code fragment shows an example of using the mi_collection_open() function to create and open a LIST collection with INTEGER elements.
 * Create and open a collection 
MI_COLL_DESC *coll_desc;
MI_COLLECTION *coll_ptr;
MI_TYPEID *type_id;
type_id = mi_typestring_to_id(conn, "list(integer not null)");
coll_ptr = mi_collection_create(conn, type_id);
coll_desc = mi_collection_open(conn, coll_ptr);
The following figure shows the cursor position after the mi_collection_open() call.
Figure 1. Collection cursor after the collection is opened
begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description