Viewing a list of registered backups
You can create a list of the registered ON-Bar backups performed on your system.
To view the list of registered backups:
- Create a view in the sysutils database that contains
information from the bar_action, bar_instance, and bar_object catalog
tables.Include the following fields in the view:
- Backup_ID: The internally generated ID for the backup
- Type: Defines whether the backup is a whole system backup, dbspace backup, or logical log backup.
- Object_Name: The name of the object backed up.
- Ifx_Time: Time at which the object was created. For dbspace backups, the checkpoint time that started the backup. For logical logs, the time when the log become full.
- CopyID_HI: The High part of the ID to locate the object in the storage manager.
- CopyID_LO: The Low part of the ID to locate the object in the storage manager.
- Backup_Start: Date and time when the backup started for this object
- Backup_End: Date and time when the backup ended for this object.
- Verify_Date: The time of the last verification made to this object, if any.
- Run a SELECT statement against the view.
The following statement creates a view that contains backup information:
CREATE VIEW list_backups(Backup_ID, Type, Object_Name, Ifx_Time, CopyID_HI,
CopyID_LO, Backup_Start, Backup_End, Verify_Date)
act_aid AS backup_id,
DECODE(act_type, 5, "Whole-System", DECODE(obj_type, "L",
"Logical log", "Dbspace")) AS Type,
substr(obj_name,1, 8) AS Object_Name,
min(DBINFO ('utc_to_datetime', seal_time)) AS Ifx_Time,
ins_copyid_hi AS CopyID_HI,
ins_copyid_lo AS CopyID_LO,
act_start AS Backup_Start,
act_end AS Backup_End,
ins_verify_date AS Verify_Date
bar_action A,
bar_instance I,
bar_object O
A.act_aid = I.ins_aid AND
A.act_oid = O.obj_oid AND
A.act_oid = I.ins_oid AND
O.obj_type in ("R", "CD", "ND", "L")
GROUP BY 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9
ORDER BY Ifx_Time, Backup_ID) AS view_list_backups
The following query returns all the backups:
SELECT * FROM list_backups