The ph_run Table
The ph_run table contains information about how and when each Scheduler task or sensor ran.
Column | Type | Description |
run_id | serial | Sequential ID generated during execution. System updated; do not modify. |
run_task_id | integer | The job ID. Referenced from the tk_id column of the ph_task table. |
run_task_seq | integer | Unique sequence number of the task or sensor. Referenced from the tk_sequence column of the ph_task table. |
run_retcode | integer | The return code from a stored procedure function or a user-defined routine, or the SQLCode from SQL statements. |
run_time | datetime year to second | When this task or sensor was run. |
run_duration | float | The time that it took to run this task or sensor (in seconds). |
run_ztime | integer | The time when the server statistics (the onstat -z command) were last run. |
run_btime | integer | The time when the server was started. |
run_mttime | integer | Internal counter of the server. |