Sysmaster interface (SMI) pseudo tables for query probing data
The SMI tables provide a way to access probing data in a relational form, which is most convenient for further processing.
The sysmaster database provides the following pseudo
tables for accessing probing data:
- For tables: sysprobetables
- For columns: sysprobecolumns
- For join descriptors: sysprobejds
- For join predicates: sysprobejps
The sysprobetables table
The schema for
the sysprobetables table is:
CREATE TABLE informix.sysprobetables
dbname char(128), { database name }
sql_id int8, { statement id in syssqltrace }
tabid integer, { table id }
fact char(1) { table is fact table (y/n) }
REVOKE ALL ON informix.sysprobetables FROM public AS informix;
GRANT SELECT ON informix.sysprobetables TO public as informix;
The sysprobecolumns table
The schema for
the sysprobecolumns table is:
CREATE TABLE informix.sysprobecolumns
dbname char(128), { database name }
sql_id int8, { statement id in syssqltrace }
tabid integer, { table id }
colno smallint { column number }
REVOKE ALL ON informix.sysprobecolumns FROM public AS informix;
GRANT SELECT ON informix.sysprobecolumns TO public AS informix;
The sysprobejds table
The schema for the sysprobejds table is:
CREATE TABLE informix.sysprobejds
dbname char(128), { database name }
sql_id int8, { statement id in syssqltrace }
jd integer, { join descriptor sequence number }
ctabid integer, { child table id }
ptabid integer, { parent table id }
type char(1), { join type: inner (i), left outer (l) }
uniq char(1) { parent table has unique index (y/n) }
REVOKE ALL ON informix.sysprobejds FROM public AS informix;
GRANT SELECT ON informix.sysprobejds TO public AS informix;
The sysprobejps table
The schema for the
sysprobejps table:
CREATE TABLE informix.sysprobejps
dbname char(128), { database name }
sql_id int8, { statement id in syssqltrace }
jd integer, { join descriptor sequence number }
jp integer, { join predicate sequence number }
ccolno smallint, { child table column number }
pcolno smallint { parent table column number }
REVOKE ALL ON informix.sysprobejps FROM public AS informix;
GRANT SELECT ON informix.sysprobejps TO public AS informix;