Validating a JSON file in advance with the Domino Administrator

You can use the Domino Administrator tool Validate JSON to validate that a JSON input file has valid JSON and conforms to a one-touch Domino setup schema.

About this task

For a one-touch setup JSON configuration file to be valid, it must contain valid JSON as well as meet the requirements of the one-touch setup schema defined in the file dominoOneTouchSetup.schema.json that ships with Domino. To use the Domino Administrator to validate a one-touch setup JSON configuration file, complete the following steps.


  1. From the Domino Administrator, click Configuration > Tools > Server > Validate JSON to open the "Validate JSON for one-touch setup" dialog box.
  2. In the JSON file field, select the JSON file to validate.
  3. In the Schema file field, select the one-touch setup schema version to validate against.
    • Select Current version to validate the JSON file against the one-touch setup schema that corresponds to the version of the Domino server.
    • Select Prior version to validate the JSON file against the one-touch setup schema file that you choose. Click Schema File and select the schema file to use.
  4. Click OK to validate the JSON file.


Any errors in the JSON file are shown.