Loading the Domino container image

You can deploy a new HCL Domino server on Docker in one of two ways: either load the domino-docker tar archive file to Docker, which creates the image that's used to create containers, or pull the HCL Domino container image from the HCL Harbor registry.

Loading the tar archive file to Docker

  1. Download the Domino Docker web kit from the My HCLSoftware Portal.
  2. From the Docker terminal, load the domino-docker tar archive file provided in the web kit to Docker:
    docker load --input <tar archive file>
    For example:
    docker load --input Domino_14.0_Container_Image.tgz
    Note: If you use podman, the command is:
    podman load --input Domino_14.0_Container_Image.tgz

Pulling the image from Harbor

  1. Sign in to the HCL Harbor registry at https://hclcr.io/ using the same credentials that you use for the My HCLSoftware Portal. You will be granted access through HCL's identity provider, Okta.
  2. Obtain the access token you need for command line authentication with Harbor by clicking your account profile picture - the CLI secret that is displayed is the access token .
  3. From the Docker terminal, authenticate with the Harbor registry using this command:
    docker login hclcr.io -u <yourEmailAddress>
  4. Pull the image from the Harbor registry using this command:
    docker pull hclcr.io/domino/domino-container:<imageTag>