Configuring the Global Configuration Document

Steps for configuring the Global Configuration document to define the AutoUpdate settings.

Before you begin

  • Access to the My HCLSoftware Portal is required to support downloads.
  • AutoUpdate must be enabled prior to the preceeding step, as you'll be accessing the download server selected during the enabling process. For more information, see Enabling AutoUpdate.

About this task

A Global Configuration Document contains settings pertaining to the AutoUpdate feature.

A software selection filter is defined that sets the criteria for the Software view in the Software Catalog.

An access token is created and retrieved from the My HCLSoftware Portal configured in the Global Configuration document. This access token is validated each time AutoUpdate connects to the My HCLSoftware Portal. The user who retrieved the token must have an active entitlement for downloads to work properly.

The access token is stored securely in autoupdate.nsf in a separate document and is protected by Readers fields. An ACL role of [Administrator] is required to access the data.

Note: The access token for the My HCLSoftware Portal is not required to retrieve the software catalog but is required for downloads. Each server that is designated as a download server (one per domain) must use a unique access token. Do not assign the same access token to more than one download server. Doing so will result in download errors.

The Global Configuration Document also allows administrators to define a proxy server and password if the Domino server requires this type of connection. The password for the proxy server is also stored securely in autoupdate.nsf in a separate document and is protected by Readers fields. An ACL role of [Administrator] is required to access the data.

In addition, starting with Domino 14.0 Fixpack 1, you can use the Global Configuration Document to enable integration between the Domino AutoUpdate feature and the Notes AUT Catalog. In this way, autoupdate.nsf will automatically push Notes webkits to the autcat.nsf application. This feature is for Notes on Windows only.
Note: This integration updating the Domino autoupdate server to v14.0 Fixpack 1, as well as updating the design of the autoupdate.nsf application to the v14.0 Fixpack 1 autoupdate.ntf template. The Notes autcat.nsf application may be at an earlier template level.


  1. On your browser, log into the My HCLSoftware Portal using
  2. Click the Set Download Token button and copy the token to a temporary area.
  3. On an HCL Notes or Administrator client, open the autoupdate.nsf database on the download server.
    Note: This requires Notes 12.0.1 or later.
  4. Click the Configuration button on the side navigation pane to open the Global Configuration document, then click Set Download Token.
  5. In the Specify new download token field, paste the token you copied in step 2, then click OK.
  6. Complete the rest of the configuration using the following guidance:
    Setting Software Selection filters
    These filters define which software to show in the catalog. For example, if your organization does not support a certain operating system, you can omit these from the view by setting a filter. You can change these filters at any time.
    Note: If the software selection filters are modified after the initial configuration, it may take up to 5 minutes for the filters to be applied. You can force the changes to appear immediately through the command tell autoupdate process all on the Domino console of the download server.
    The following filters can be set:
    Filter Description
    Products Select for which products you'd like to receive updates in the software catalog.
    Platforms Specify the list of desired platforms to view in the software catalog.
    Languages Select the languages to display.

    Sets the types of software to display:

    • Server

    • Language pack

    • Admin/Designer - Refers to the full Notes client, which includes the Notes Standard, Domino Administrator, and Domino Designer clients

    • Basic Client

    • Standard Client

    In v14.0, prior to FP1, the filter for client software was simply "Client."
    Configuration section
    Configuration Description
    Log level Increase or decrease the level of logging or keep the default level (normal).
    Max download speed Enter a maximum download speed for the download server to download files from the My HCLSoftware Portal.
    Download timeout Override the default timeout of 5 minutes by configuring a new timeout.
    Proxy settings
    Setting Description
    Proxy URL Specify a proxy host for the download server to use to connect to the My HCLSoftware Portal. Include the port as well if it is different from the default port 443.
    User Specify a username for the proxy host.
    Password Specify a password for the proxy host.
    Notes Auto Update Catalog settings
    Starting with Domino 14.0 Fixpack 1, to enable AutoUpdate.nsf integration with autcat.nsf, in the Action field select Push Notes Client Software to AUT Catalog.
    If the autocat.nsf is located on a different server than that of autoupdate.nsf, specify the server name in the AUT Catalog server field.

    After you enable these settings, any Notes webkits that were previously downloaded to autoupdate.nsf are automatically pushed to autcat.nsf the next time the autoupdate server performs high-priority work. Also, any Notes webkits that are subsequently downloaded to autoupdate.nsf will be pushed to autcat.nsf immediately after the download completes.

  7. Click Save & Close when complete.


The software catalog will be available for viewing after configuration. For more information on the software catalog, see Using the software catalog.