Creating a temporary container for remote server setup

To deploy a new Domino server as a Docker container, first create a temporary container to complete remote Domino server setup.

About this task

  • Use the docker run command with the arguments described in this procedure to create a container that runs Domino that enables you to run remote server setup. Only remote server setup is supported; the Docker-compatible Red Hat Universal Base Image (UBI) doesn't contain the required X11 libraries to support Graphical User Interface (GUI) and display.
  • If you are setting up an additional server in the domain and the server ID is not stored in the Domino directory, have the server ID available; you will use the docker cp command in this procedure to copy the server ID file to the Domino volume.
  • If the Domino server ID is password-protected and you plan to run the Domino container in detached mode (-d) you must create a secrets file to store the password. If you create the secrets file manually, have the the file available; you will use the docker cp command in this procedure to copy the file to the Domino volume. For more information, see Creating a secrets file for a password-protected server ID.
  • After remote server setup completes (succesfully or not) the container stops. The command in this procedure includes the --rm argument to then remove the container, which is no longer needed.
  • Remote server setup requires only ports 8585 and 1352 so there is no need to specify additional ports.
  • If you use podman, replace docker with podman in the commands in this procedure. For example:
    podman image ls


  1. To determine the name of the Domino Docker image (required for the next step), from the Docker terminal window, issue the following command to list the names of the Docker images on your system.
    docker image ls
  2. To create and run a container to complete server setup, issue the following command:
    docker run --rm  --name <container name>  
       -v <Docker volume name>:<data directory> 
       --hostname <hostname>  -p 8585:8585 -p 1352:1352 <image> --setup
    The following example creates and runs the container dominosetup based on the image domino-docker:V1101 on the host server It creates the data directory /local/notesdata, referred to by the volume named notesdata.
    docker run --rm --name dominosetup 
      -v notesdata:/local/notesdata --hostname
      -p 8585:8585 -p 1352:1352 domino-docker:V1101 --setup
  3. The Domino server launches in listen mode. Before running remote server setup, complete the following steps if necessary. Otherwise, skip this step.
    1. If you are setting up an additional server in the domain and the server ID file is not stored in the Domino directory, issue the following Docker command in the Docker terminal window to copy the ID file to the volume:
      docker cp <file on local host> <container name>:<data directory>
    2. If you created a secrets file manually to store a password for a password-protected server ID file, issue the same command to copy the secrets file to the volume.
  4. Run remote server setup.


After you complete server setup, the container stops and is removed.

What to do next

Next, create a container for the new Domino server.