Using shortcuts in the Domino® server monitor

The Domino® server monitor includes shortcuts that provide additional information on the server and server task status without having to move from the Server > Monitoring tab.

About this task

You can perform the following tasks to troubleshoot server performance using the Domino® server monitor:

  • Open a different Domino® Administrator tab from the Domino® server monitor
  • Display the differences in current and previous statistic values
  • View additional information about a server or server task
  • Create an event handler for a server that is down

For example, suppose you are monitoring eight servers and are troubleshooting errors. Server Hub-E/East/Renovations displays a failure indicator. In the By State view, you notice that one of the status indicators is reporting a Failure error. You can tell from the column which server task is reporting the error, but you still don't know what the error is. Hover over a task status indicator or to see a brief explanation of the problem. To take immediate constructive action on the server, you select the server, right-click and select Display Status Tab. You are now ready to diagnose and take corrective action from the Server > Status tab.

To open a different Domino® Administrator tab from the Domino® server monitor


  1. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Server > Monitoring tab.
  2. Select a server.
  3. From the Monitoring menu, select one:
    • Display Status Tab -- To view the status and access the Server Console to issue commands for the selected server
    • Display Messaging Tab -- To monitor mail tracking for the selected server

To display differences for statistic values

About this task

For numerical statistics, you can display the difference between the current statistic value and its value from one hour earlier. A delta icon appears in the statistic column when the earlier, or "differences" value is displayed. If the server monitor has been running less than one hour, it displays the difference between the current statistic value and the oldest value available.


  1. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Server > Monitoring tab.
  2. Click in the Statistic column to select the statistic.
  3. From the Monitoring menu, select Show Statistic's Difference.
  4. To remove the difference value and icon, click the statistic column, and chose Monitoring > Show Statistic's Difference again.

To view additional information about a server or task


  1. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Server > Monitoring tab.
  2. Do one:
    • Server tasks -- In either view, locate the cursor in the tasks frame and hover over the error indicator to see what event cause the error.
    • Servers -- In either view, locate the cursor in the server pane and hover over the error indicator to see what event cause the error.

To create event handlers and event generators

About this task

You can generate statistic events and invoke event handlers when a server goes down or comes back up, when a task reports an error, or when a statistic has reported a particular threshold.


  1. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Server > Monitoring tab. If monitoring is not active, click Start to activate monitoring.
  2. Do one:
    • Right-click in the work area and click Create Server Event Handler to create an event handler when a server goes down.
    • Right-click in the work area, click Create Task Event Handler and then click one of the following to create an event handler when a task reports an error.
      • Any Error (Local)
      • Current Error (Local)
      • Current Status (Local)
      • Current Error (On Server)
    • Right-click in the work area, clickCreate Statistic Event Generator, and then click Local or On Server to create a new statistics event generator.