Using the Smart Upgrade Run-As wizard

Use the Smart Upgrade Run-As wizard (SUSETRUNASWIZARD.EXE) to create an executable file (SURUNAS.EXE) that Notes® client users, running on Microsoft Windows, can run to upgrade their Notes® clients. SURUNAS is ideal for pushing Notes® client upgrades to users who do not have administrator or elevated privileges.

The SURUNAS.EXE executable runs as a user with administrator privileges. You specify the administrator user name and password in the Smart Upgrade Run-As wizard. While the wizard is running, specify the Notes® install setup.exe to use when the user runs SURUNAS.EXE. The setup.exe file that you specify is either stored in SURUNAS.EXE or you can specify a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to a shared network drive from which that setup file can be accessed. In addition to specifying the setup file to be used, you also specify any other files to be included in the install kit. The Smart Upgrade Run-As wizard creates the install kit that the Notes® client end users run to upgrade their Notes® clients.

If you are using the SURUNAS on Windows Vista or on Windows 7 or 8, you must use 90 SUService. If you have an existing SUService file (SUService.exe), you must replace it with 90 SUService.exe. Use the following steps to replace the existing SUService:
  1. Stop the service.
  2. Locate the 90 SUService file in the Notes installation package, and copy it to the Notes installation directory. The default install location is C:\Program Files\HCL\Notes.
  3. Restart the SUservice.
  4. You can now create the executable SURUNAS.EXE file by using the Smart Upgrade Run-As wizard (SUSETRUNASWIZARD.EXE)

While running the wizard, you can store the new executable in a self-contained package in the SURUNAS.EXE or as a file reference to a network share.

After you create the SURUNAS.EXE file, you can push it to users with Smart Upgrade. The wizard embeds a command line into the SURUNAS.EXE so there are no additional command line options needed. See the related topic on using Notes® Smart Upgrade for next steps.

Note: Use the /w command line argument with Smart Upgrade Run-As. For other options, see the following table.
Table 1. SURUNAS command line arguments and descriptions

Optional command line arguments

Description and use

Attached kit example

Shared network drive example

Use with Smart Upgrade Run-As


Use with Smart Upgrade Run-As. Allows SURUNAS.EXE to wait because the Notes® client should not be restarted until all processing is complete.

Note: You should always use the /w parameter when using Smart Upgrade Run-As.

-a /s /w / v"ALLUSERS=1 /qn"

/s /w /v"ALLUSERS=1 /qn"



Passes all arguments to the file that is being launched.

-a /v"/qn"

Does not apply



Administrative installation.

-a /a




Note: Always place a blank space immediately after the /s.

For attached kit, does not display the dialog box that prompts the user to input the location to which the files are to be installed. By default, the files are placed in the user's TempDir\NotesInstall

For shared network drive, does not display the Install Shield initialization box.

-a /s




Passes arguments to MSIexec. All arguments entered after the argument /v apply to MSIexec.

-a /v"xxxx"

Where xxxx = any optional argument.


Where xxxx = any optional argument.



Sets the interface level. For example, /qn indicates no user interface displays during the upgrade.

-a /v"qn"




Specifies that files are extracted to a temporary directory, from which they are deleted when the update is complete.

The argument -d must be the first argument in the series of arguments.

-d -a /s /v

Does not apply.
