Using ID vault with iNotes®
About this task
You can configure HCL iNotes® to take advantage of the ID management features that an ID vault provides. To enable the use of ID vault for iNotes® users, select Yes for Allow Notes-based programs to use the Notes ID vault on the ID Vault tab of the Security policy settings document.
If a user has an ID file in the vault but not in their mail database and their policy is set to Yes for integration, then the ID file is pulled from the vault and put in the mail database. Likewise, if a user has an ID file in their mail database but not in the vault, then a copy is uploaded to the vault. If a user has a copy both in the vault and in the database, the two IDs are kept in sync.
When this feature is enabled for iNotes® users, the users can:
- Decrypt incoming mail messages without manually importing Notes® ID files into their mail file
- Change passwords on their Notes® ID files and use the new passwords automatically to perform secure mail operations
- Get their passwords reset in the ID vault by someone with password reset authority and use the new passwords automatically to perform secure mail operations
- Manually synchronize the two ID file copies at any time by opening iNotes® Security Preferences and clicking Sync ID with Vault.
For complete information about configuring ID vault and assigning it to users, see the Notes® ID vault topics in the HCL Domino® Administrator Help.