- Monitoring Configuration application (EVENTS4.NSF)
The Monitoring Configuration application includes a configuration user interface for use with Domino® Domain Monitoring (DDM). Use this interface to set up DDM probes and a collection hierarchy of servers that collect information from other servers.
- Monitoring server shutdown
Domino's Shutdown Monitor task ensures that Domino® terminates when requested to do so, that is, the server does not hang while attempting to shut down.
- Monitoring processes running in the Domino server environment
Domino's "Process Monitor" task applies to Domino® on Microsoft™ Windows™ platforms only. This task monitors the processes that should be running as part of the Domino® server environment.
- Monitoring events on the Domino system
Events signal both that the system is working smoothly, processing data, and performing tasks; or that the system is malfunctioning, perhaps by not processing data or performing required tasks.
- Event generators
Event generators gather information by monitoring a task or a statistic or by probing a server for access or connectivity. Each event generator has a specified threshold or condition, which, when met, causes an event to be created The event is passed to the Event Monitor task, which checks whether an associated event handler has been defined. If an event handler has not been defined, the Event Monitor task does nothing. If an event handler has been defined, the Event Monitor carries out the instructions in the event handler. The Event Monitor task, formerly know as the Event task, starts automatically when you start the server and must run on all servers that you want to monitor.
- Monitoring iNotes activity
You can determine the number of active HCL iNotes® users on a system and log iNotes® request information. To monitor this activity, set up activity logging to include iNotes®.
- Event handlers
An event handler defines the action that Domino® takes when a specific event occurs.
- Viewing an event report
The Monitoring Results database (STATREP.NSF) stores statistic and event information, depending on how you configured the Statistic Collector server task and event handler documents. For each event, a report records the server that originated the event; the time, severity, type and error code of the event; and a brief description of the event.
- Viewing event messages, causes, and solutions
Each event that occurs on the Domino® system has an associated event message that is stored in the Monitoring Configuration database (EVENTS4.NSF). The message text often provides information about possible causes and solutions.
- Customizing the Domino server and administrator console
By creating a Server Console configuration document for the server you are monitoring, you can specify the text, background, and color attributes that the Domino® server console uses to display monitoring information. By default, the Domino® Administrator server console uses the same attributes, but you can override the defaults and customize the appearance of the Domino® Administrator server console.
- Monitoring system statistics
Domino® continuously generates and updates server statistics, which you can collect and monitor in a number of ways. From the server, you can use the Show Statistic or Show Platform Statistic commands. From the Domino® Administrator, you can create statistics profiles and charts.
- Platform statistics
In addition to tracking server statistics, Domino® tracks operating-system performance statistics. You can view these statistics from the Domino® Administrator, along with your Domino® statistics, which helps you with Domino® server monitoring and tuning. You can include platform statistics in any statistic monitoring task you perform with the Domino® statistics, including using them in monitoring and statistic profiles, and charting them.
- Using the Domino Administrator to monitor statistics
Using the Domino® Administrator, you can create a statistic profile that you use to monitor the same set of statistics periodically or to compare performance on different servers.
- Using mail-in statistics
If you can access Notes® mail on a server, you can collect statistics from the server and mail them to yourself. Use mail-in statistics when the Domino® Administrator is not available or you do not have administrator access to a server.
- Charting statistics
You can graphically display the statistics generated by Domino®, by creating statistics charts. To chart sets of statistics on a regular basis, you can define statistics profiles. Using statistics charts you can track and visualize statistics in real time or historically. Real-time charts reflect the current server activity. Historical charts pull information from the local Monitoring Results database (STATREP.NSF). You can also create statistic profiles so that you can chart a specified set of statistics routinely.
- Publishing Domino statistics to external services
You can set up Domino to publish Domino statistics to an external monitoring service, for example, Hosted Graphite. The service must be able to accept time series data via HTTP POST requests.