Improved streaming cluster replication during server restarts
IBM® Domino® 10 implements streaming cluster replication (SCR) improvements that help preserve the state of the SCR queue after Domino server restarts. These improvements allow SCR to be used after server restart without first re-initializing SCR for databases, which can delay replication.
SCR is a fast and efficient replication method that Domino uses to replicate within clusters. SCR is a push replication method that captures changes on the local server and pushes the changes to other replicas within the cluster. The following improvements are new in this release.
Local server restarts
Once every minute, SCR saves its current state to the file scrstate.dat in the data directory. Then, when the server shuts down and when it restarts, SCR refers to scrstate.dat to determine the known state before the restart. Prior to Domino 10, the SCR state was lost after server restarts and SCR needed to be re-initialized for all databases, potentially delaying replication until the re-enablement completed.
[001460:000002-0000000000001650] RestoreSCRState: Starting SCR restore at 04/16/2018 03:51:48 PM
[001460:000002-0000000000001650] RestoreSCRState: Finished SCR restore at 04/16/2018 03:51:48 PM
[001460:000002-0000000000001650] RestoreSCRState: Input Lines = 642, Destinations Restored = 636
Input Lines = 642
means that there were 642 items in the SCR state in the last
saved scrstate.dat file. Destinations Restored = 636 means
that only 636 of the 642 items were restored to the SCR queue. The lower restored number is expected
and is due to local database changes occurring after the last saved
scrstate.dat file.
Remote server restarts
When SCR detects that a remote server is down, it allows changes targeted for that server to remain in its SCR queue for up to 20 minutes. Prior to Domino 10, if a server detected that a remote server was down, SCR didn't recognize the changes queued for the server, potentially causing replication delays as SCR was re-initialized.
[001460:000008-00000000000015DC] ClientSCRDestHandler: Starting wait for server
CN=ServerB/O=Domino10 to restart at 04/17/2018 08:12:57 AM
[001460:000008-00000000000015DC] ClientSCRDestHandler: Connection re-established to server
CN=ServerB/O=Domino10 at 04/17/2018 08:13:59 AM