You can optionally use a desktop policy settings document
to enable Notes® Smart Upgrade
to function automatically, to deploy different releases of the Notes client to different groups
of users, to upgrade Notes clients
through several updates at one time, to automatically create and use
a Smart Upgrade Tracking Reports application, and to control when
updates occur in order to preserve server performance.
About this task
You can limit which kits specific users can see by populating
the Allowed Users and Servers field on the
Smart Upgrade kit document. A server can signal to a Notes client that a kit is potentially available,
but the Notes client may not
locate an available kit because the user's name has not been entered
in the Allowed Users and Servers field. Note: In
this scenario, the Smart Upgrade timer on the Notes client is incremented by one day.
- On the People and Groups tab of
the Domino® Directory, open
the Policies view.
- If you are creating a policy, click Add Policy.
If you are modifying an existing policy, select the policy to modify,
and then click Edit Policy.
- If you are modifying an existing policy, modify as many
of the following fields as necessary. If you are creating a policy,
do the following:
- On the Basics tab, enter the policy name,
then choose either Explicit or Organizational as
the policy type.
- Provide a description for the policy.
- In the Desktop field, select the
desktop policy settings document to associate with the policy you
are creating or modifying.
- Click Save and Close.
- If you created an explicit policy, you can assign the policy
to users and groups. If you created an organizational policy, then
the process is complete.