Stopping and starting the Domino SMTP service

The Domino® SMTP service, or SMTP Server task, runs the SMTP listener, which checks for incoming SMTP connections and messages. SMTP messages can originate from any Internet host or another Domino Server in your domain. For Domino to receive inbound SMTP mail, the SMTP listener must be running on the server.

About this task

The SMTP service does not control SMTP routing. SMTP routing is handled by the server's Router task.

If the SMTP listener task is enabled in on the Server document (Basics tab), the SMTP service starts automatically when you start the server. You can stop and start the SMTP service manually from the Domino Administrator client or the server console.

Table 1. Ways to restart, stop, and start the SMTP service


From the Domino Administrator

From the server console

Restart the SMTP service

  1. Click the Server > Status tab and select the Server Tasks view.
  2. Select SMTP Server from the list of tasks.
  3. Click Tools > Task > Restart, and then click Yes.


Restart Task SMTP

Stop the SMTP service

  1. Click the Server > Status tab and select the Server Tasks view.
  2. Select SMTP Server from the list of tasks.
  3. Click Tools > Task > Stop, and then click Yes.


Tell SMTP quit

Start the SMTP service

  1. Click the Server > Status tab and select the Server Tasks view.
  2. Click Tools > Task > Start.
  3. From the list of server tasks, select SMTP Server.
  4. Click Start Task.
  5. Click Done to close the Start New Task dialog box.



Note: The SMTP Server task is represented in the server task list by three related subtasks. The status of all three tasks changes when you change the status of any one of them.

As an alternative to restarting the SMTP service to incorporate configuration updates, you can use a console command to refresh SMTP service parameters.