Setting transfer limits
Transfer controls affect how Domino® transfers messages between servers. They control the number of threads used, the number of hops allowed before a message fails, the low-priority mail routing time range, and the time-out and purge intervals. Transfer controls apply to both SMTP and Notes® routing.
- Make sure you already have a Configuration Settings document for the server(s) to be configured.
- From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab and expand the Messaging section.
- Click Configurations.
- Select the Configuration Settings document for the mail server or servers you want to administer, and click Edit Configuration.
- Click the Router/SMTP > Restrictions and Controls > Transfer Controls tab.
- Complete these fields in the Transfer Controls section,
and then click Save & Close:
Table 1. Transfer Control fields Field Enter Maximum transfer threads The maximum number of server threads Domino creates to transfer messages to all other servers. The value applies to both Notes routing and SMTP. The Router sets a default maximum number of transfer threads based on server memory. Letting the Router select the maximum number is usually best. If you set the maximum number manually, set the maximum to between 1 and 25 threads, depending on server load. Maximum concurrent transfer threads The maximum number of server threads the Domino Router can use to transfer messages to a single destination. The value applies to both Notes routing and SMTP. If no value is specified, the default value is equal to one-half of the maximum transfer threads, rounded down to the nearest integer. For example, if the maximum transfer threads is 5, the maximum concurrent transfer threads defaults to 2. On servers that send outbound Internet mail to an SMTP relay host, this setting effectively defines the total threads available for transferring mail to the relay host.
Note: By default, when transferring messages over Notes routing from one Domino domain to another, the Router does not use multiple concurrent threads. To enable use of multiple concurrent transfer threads between Domino domains, add the variableRouterAllowConcurrentXFERToALL
to the server's NOTES.INI file.Maximum hop count The maximum number of times a message can be transferred between servers before delivery fails and Domino sends a nondelivery message. Low-priority mail routing time range The time range when Domino routes messages marked as low-priority. The default is between 12 AM and 6 AM. For low-priority mail to route at the specified time, the Router must be configured to obey message priority. If you configure the Router to ignore message priority, low-priority mail does not receive special handling.
Low-priority delay notifications If you configure the Router to hold low-priority messages until a given time period, message originators may not be aware of the reason for the delay. To inform senders when low-priority messages are delayed, have the Router automatically generate delay notifications. The Router can either generate delay notifications for every low-priority message it holds or when it holds messages for a specific reason only. Choose one: - Disabled - The Router does not notify senders when messages are delayed for priority reasons.
- Only if priority changed for policy reasons - The Router notifies senders of priority-related delays only for messages that were designated low-priority as the result of a size restriction.
- Only if user requested low-priority - The Router notifies senders of priority-related delays only for messages that the sender designated as low-priority.
- All low-priority messages -- The Router notifies senders of priority-related delays for all low-priority messages.
Initial transfer retry interval The time (in minutes) that the Router waits after a message transfer failure before retrying the transfer. If failure recurs, Domino doubles the interval before a second retry. If additional retries are needed, they occur at three times the initial retry value. The default interval is 15 minutes. Smaller values increase the retry attempts per hour and could possibly increase the success rate of routing the messages. Greater values decrease the retry attempts per hour, resulting in longer routing times.
The Router continues attempts to transfer a pending message until the age of the message reaches the configured time-out value (by default, 24 hours). After a message times out, the Router generates a delivery failure report to the sender.
Expired message purge interval Specifies, in minutes, how often the Router checks MAIL.BOX for expired messages to purge. The default is 15 minutes. Transfer and delivery delay notifications Choose one: - Enabled -- To allow the transfer and delivery of delay notifications.
- Disable -- To prevent the transfer or delivery of delay notifications.
Delay notification intervals Specify the amount of time that a high, normal, and low priority message should reside in the message queue before the router sends a Delay report to the author of the message. The default for each priority is four (4) hours. Specify the amount of time in hours or minutes for High priority mail, Normal priority mail, and Low priority mail.
Note: Values specified in the NOTES.INI file override settings in the Configuration Settings document. If you use the NOTES.INI file to configure message transfer settings, the Domino server console displays informational messages indicating that the setting can be specified in the Configuration Settings document.