Mailbox event notification
When the Domino® router is running in a steady state and a new message is deposited in MAIL.BOX, a copy of the message is made and placed on a mailbox event queue which is then used by a new MailEvent thread in the router. The router then uses this copy of the message without having to search MAIL.BOX to discover new messages nor perform a full note open for use in transfer or delivery. The message is cached and additional copies of this message are made as needed for multiple recipients. This router optimization prevents creating extra copies of the note.
You can use NOTES.INI settings to limit the amount of memory used by open notes. The memory values are shared and maintained by mailbox event generation and any open router note.
For the following two NOTES.INI settings, RouterMaxEventMemorySizeBytes
and RouterMaxEventMessageSizeBytes
if either of the maximum values specified are reached, the router
falls back and searches mailboxes for new messages. New messages located
during the search are not cached in the main message queue.
Memory limit for event generation.
- The default setting is null, but when Domino encounters a null value for this setting, it sets the value to equal the NSF buffer pool size divided by 5.
- 0 -- Disables the setting.
Maximum message size for any one message allowed to be copied and placed on the mailbox event queue.
- The default value is null but when Domino encounters a null value for this setting, it sets the value of 10000000 bytes (10 million bytes).
- 0 -- Disables the setting.
The following two NOTES.INI settings, RouterMaxQueueMemorySizeBytes
and RouterMaxQueueMessageSize
, provide limits for caching these notes in the main
message queue for immediate use in delivery or transfer.
Memory limit for main message queue caching of the note passed via mailbox event generation.
- The default setting is null, but when Domino encounters a null value for this setting, it sets the value to equal the NSF buffer pool size divided by 5.
- 0 -- Disables the setting.
RouterMaxQueueMessageSize Bytes
Message size limit for main message queue caching of notes.
- The default value is null but when Domino encounters a null value for this setting, it sets the value of 10000000 bytes (10 million bytes).
- 0 -- Disables the setting.