Displaying LDAP attributes and object classes when setting form-specific access
Use the Schema option in the "Form and Field access at target" dialog box to control whether the dialog box shows the directory contents in terms of LDAP object classes and attributes or in terms of Domino® forms and fields.
About this task
Domino is selected by default, meaning the dialog box shows Domino forms and fields. To show LDAP object classes and attributes, select LDAP next to the Schema option.
When you set a subject's access to a form or field, the access setting automatically applies to the corresponding LDAP object class or attribute, if there is one. Similarly, if you set a subject's access to an object class or attribute, the access also applies to the corresponding form or field if there is one.
For example, if you deny a subject Read access to
the InternetAddress field of a Person form
when Domino is selected as
the Schema option, the subject is also denied LDAP Read access to
the mail
attribute of the dominoPerson
class that shows when LDAP is selected as the Schema option.
If the Schema option is set to LDAP and you
deny a subject Read access to the mail
of the dominoPerson
object class, the subject is
also denied Read access to the InternetAddress field
of a Person form that shows when the Domino is
selected as a Schema option.
Some object
classes and attributes that the Form and Field access at target dialog
box displays when you select LDAP as the Schema option
do not correspond to forms and fields and are useful only for controlling
LDAP access. For example, the object class residentialPerson
not correspond to a form. Similarly, some forms and fields that the
dialog box displays when you select Domino as
the Schema option do not correspond to LDAP
object classes and attributes and are useful only for controlling Notes® or Web user access. For
example, the form DirectoryProfile
does not correspond
to an object class.