Creating Holiday documents
Holiday documents provide a way for your organization to have a centrally managed collection of documents that contain information on scheduled holidays and events. Users select the type of Holiday documents to import and add the information to their personal calendars.
About this task
IBM® Domino® includes default Holiday documents that you can modify or delete; you can also add Holiday documents specific to your organization's needs. Holiday documents are stored in the Domino Directory.
You categorize Holiday documents according to a group name. For example, you may have a group named "Full-time" that contains all the company holidays for full-time employees. The default Holiday documents included with Domino have group names associated with countries or religions -- for example, United States or Italy -- and the groups contain documents specific to holidays in each country. As an administrator, you may want to modify or delete these documents to reflect your organization's needs. Then you can advise all users to import a specific group of Holiday documents.
To add a document to an existing group, select the group when you create a new Holiday document. To create new groups, enter a new group name in the Holiday document. Remember that your users import Holiday documents according to group name, not document name, so be sure to plan the organization of documents in groups.
To view the default Holiday documents
About this task
Domino includes default Holiday documents that contain information on holidays observed around the world. The Holiday documents are organized into groups by country or religion. For example, the Italy group contains documents specific to Italian holidays.
- From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab.
- Select the Domino Directory server in the Use Directory on field.
- Click to see all the default Holiday documents.
To modify an existing Holiday document
About this task
After you modify or delete an existing Holiday document, users receive the modifications only when they run import from their mail files.
- From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab.
- Select the Domino Directory server in the Use Directory on field.
- Click .
- Choose the geographical/religious category for the Holiday.
- Select the desired Holiday document and click Edit Holiday.
- Modify fields as you wish.