CORS JSON configuration

Configure CORS by editing the cors-rules.json file that you created.

The JSON file must contain a single JSON object with two properties:

version {string}
Must be equal to "1.0".

rules {array<object>}
Must be an array of valid CORS rules.

The syntax of a rule object is defined as follows:

resource {object} (Required)

Describes how to match this rule with a request URL. Supports the following properties:
  • path {string} (Required) The resource path. Without startsWith or exact values, the CORS filter matches any request with a path that contains this value.
  • startsWith {boolean} (Optional) When true, the CORS filter matches only requests with a path that starts with the value of path.
  • exact {boolean} (Optional) When true, the CORS filter matches only requests with a path that is the exact value of path. The startsWith and exact properties are mutually exclusive.

allowOrigins {string | array<string>} (Required)

Specifies the list of allowed origins for this resource. Specify an array of strings where each element is an allowed origin host name, for example, "". Only an origin that exactly matches one of these elements is allowed. For example, specify "", "", and "" to allow access through all of these URLs.

A value of "*" allows any origin. Its use is not recommended.

allowMethods {array<string>} (Required)

Specifies the list of allowed methods for this resource and origin. See Access-Control-Allow-Methods in the W3C Recommendation on Cross-Original Resource Sharing recommendation.

allowCredentials {boolean} (Optional)

When true, the CORS filter allows credentials for this resource and origin. See Access-Control-Allow-Credentials in the W3C Recommendation on Cross-Original Resource Sharing.

exposeHeaders {array<string>} (Optional)

Specifies the list of response headers to expose to XHR clients. This property causes the CORS filter to add an Access-Control-Expose-Headers header to responses to actual (not pre-flight) requests. Ultimately, the browser is responsible for exposing the headers to the XHR client. See Access-Control-Expose-Headers in the W3C Recommendation on Cross-Original Resource Sharing.