Work with Domino Console (WRKDOMCSL)
The Work with Domino® Console command provides a way to submit Domino server commands to a specific Domino server.
When using the Domino console, you can immediately see the responses from the Domino server. Only one job can be running the WRKDOMCSL command for a specific Domino server. Other jobs can use the Display Domino Console (DSPDOMCSL) command to view the console messages for the same server.
To use the WRKDOMCSL command, you must have one of the following:
- *USE authority to the WRKDOMCSL object (object type *CMD) in the QSYS library, *USE authority to the QNNINCSS object (object type *PGM) in the QNOTES library, and *X data authority to the Domino data directory (and its parent directories if the directory is not directly under the root directory)
- *ALLOBJ special authority