Viewing and deleting Internet certificates
When you no longer want an Internet client to use SSL client authentication to access a Domino® server, or a Notes® client to send S/MIME encrypted mail to a specified recipient, delete the Internet certificate from the Internet client's Person document or the specified recipient's Person document in the Domino® Directory.
About this task
The client still has the Internet certificate, but without the Internet certificate in the Person document, the Internet client cannot use client authentication to access a Domino® server, and the Notes® client cannot send S/MIME encrypted mail to the specified recipient.
An Internet client can still access the Domino® server anonymously if you have anonymous access set up on the server, or use name-and-password authentication to access the server. A Notes® client can still send unencrypted mail messages to the user.
You can also view information about Internet certificates in the Domino® Directory.
To view or delete an Internet certificate
- From the Domino® Administrator, click People & Groups, and edit the Person document for the Internet user whose certificate you want to view or delete.
- Click Examine Internet Certificate(s).
- To delete the Internet certificate, select the certificate and click Delete. Note that the certificate will remain displayed until you exit or save the document.