Enabling programs that store IDs in databases to use a vault
You can enable Notes® API programs that can store Notes® IDs in databases to use an ID vault. Doing this allows the users of such programs, for example, iNotes® or Notes® Traveler users, to take advantage of the ID management features that an ID vault provides. The users' mail servers must run Domino® 8.5.1 or higher.
About this task
When this feature is enabled for iNotes® or Notes® Traveler users, they can:
- Decrypt incoming mail messages without manually importing Notes® ID files into their mail databases
- Change passwords on their ID files and use the new passwords automatically to perform secure mail operations
- Get their passwords reset in the ID vault by someone with password reset authority and use the new passwords automatically to perform secure mail operations
When a copy of a Notes® ID file is in both a mail database and the ID vault, synchronization of the two copies happens automatically when necessary as soon as a user provides a password to perform a secure mail operation. Additionally, iNotes® users can synchronize the two ID file copies manually if they enable the ID Vault Sync option in iNotes® Security Preferences.
Use the following steps to assign users of programs that store IDs in databases to an ID vault.
- Create and configure an ID vault. Assign the ID vault to a policy that is used by iNotes® or Notes® Traveler users.
- Click the ID vault tab in the Security Settings Policy document.
- In the field Allow Notes-based programs to use the Notes ID vault, select Yes.