Enabling programs that store IDs in databases to use a vault

You can enable Notes® API programs that can store Notes® IDs in databases to use an ID vault. Doing this allows the users of such programs, for example, iNotes® or Notes® Traveler users, to take advantage of the ID management features that an ID vault provides. The users' mail servers must run Domino® 8.5.1 or higher.

About this task

When this feature is enabled for iNotes® or Notes® Traveler users, they can:

  • Decrypt incoming mail messages without manually importing Notes® ID files into their mail databases
  • Change passwords on their ID files and use the new passwords automatically to perform secure mail operations
  • Get their passwords reset in the ID vault by someone with password reset authority and use the new passwords automatically to perform secure mail operations

When a copy of a Notes® ID file is in both a mail database and the ID vault, synchronization of the two copies happens automatically when necessary as soon as a user provides a password to perform a secure mail operation. Additionally, iNotes® users can synchronize the two ID file copies manually if they enable the ID Vault Sync option in iNotes® Security Preferences.

Use the following steps to assign users of programs that store IDs in databases to an ID vault.


  1. Create and configure an ID vault. Assign the ID vault to a policy that is used by iNotes® or Notes® Traveler users.
  2. Click the ID vault tab in the Security Settings Policy document.
  3. In the field Allow Notes-based programs to use the Notes ID vault, select Yes.


If a user to whom the policy applies has a Notes® ID file in the ID vault but not in the database, the ID file is downloaded from the ID vault to the database. If the user has an ID file in the database but not in the ID vault, the ID file is uploaded from the database to the ID vault. Copies of an ID in the ID vault and in the database are synchronized.
Note: The Forgotten password help text field, configured in the ID vault Security Settings policy and used to provide password reset instructions in the Notes® logon window, does not apply to iNotes® users or to Notes® Traveler users.