- Adding and configuring a service
The following instructions describe how to add and configure a service so you can map it within your application.
- Service Oriented Architecture – Exposing a service to Domino Leap
The following information is an overview of Service Oriented Architecture built into Domino Leap, and describes how to expose a service to Domino Leap.
- Triggering a service from a button
You can use a service to add information to a form or app page when a user clicks a button.
- Using a service to populate form items
You can use a service to populate a Drop Down, Select One, or Select Many form or app page item.
- Integrating your application with other Domino Leap applications
A Domino Leap application can be integrated as a service within another Domino Leap application.
- Directory services
Directory service is a new built-in service that allows app builders to look up users and groups to use in various parts of a Domino Leap application. This service is useful in assigning users or groups to a role, or anywhere in the application where a person or group needs to be dynamically retrieved.
- Accessing data from Existing Domino Applications
Data from existing Domino Databases, that are co-located with Domino Leap, may be accessed by your Domino Leap application. A Service Configuration is used to interact with an existing Domino Database. The operations are: List View Entries, Find View Entries, List View Categories, Read a single Document, Create a Document, Update a Document, Delete a Document, and Run an Agent.