Dynamic tooltips

The Tooltip control displays dynamic content when the user mouses over an associated control.

From a rendering standpoint, this control uses Dojo tooltip dijits and it gets its content from an Ajax request.

As a tooltip is read only, the server-side controls used to render the tooltip are created when the request comes in and are discarded right after they are rendered. This ensures that the JSF tree stays as clean and small as possible.

The Tooltip control gets its children directly from the control content or label.Tooltip control

Its dynamicContent property must be set to true to make sure the content is created dynamically:

The child controls have access to the tooltip context to, for example, specify the parameters of a data source:
<xe:tooltip id="tooltip2" for="computedField2" dynamicContent="true">
      <xp:dominoDocument var="document1"
        formName="Contact" action="editDocument"
        documentId="#{ javascript:row.getNoteID() }"
        ignoreRequestParams="true" >