@FullUrl (JavaScript)

Generates the path of a Domino® resource relative to the server.

Defined in

@Functions (Extension Library)


@FullUrl(name:string) : string
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Description
name:string Name of a Domino® resource. The name of the application, an empty string, or "/" means the application itself. Any other specification is treated as a resource of the application.
Table 2. Return value
Attribute Description
string Full URL formed by prefixing path information.


For an application, the full URL is the application name preceded by any path information. The path is relative to the Domino directory with this exception: for Notes, if the path is outside the Domino directory, the full file system path is given. For a resource of an application, the full URL is the application URL appended by a slash and the name of the resource.

Use this as a parameter to @AbsoluteUrl to ensure that the URL prefix is correct.


This computed field returns the full URL for the current database.
return @FullUrl(database.getFileName())
This computed field returns the absolute URL for a resource in the current database, ensuring that the path to the resource is fully defined.
return @AbsoluteUrl(@FullUrl("blink.gif"))