Bitwise operators (JavaScript)

Bitwise operators perform bit-by-bit logical operations.

Operator Description
a & b Bitwise AND. Returns 1 where the corresponding bits in a and b are 1. Returns 0 where either bit is 0.
a | b Bitwise OR. Returns 1 where either of the corresponding bits in a and b is 1, or both are 1. Returns 0 where both bits are 0.
a ^ b Bitwise XOR (exclusive OR). Returns 1 where either of the corresponding bits in a and b is 1, and the other is 0. Returns 0 where both bits are 0.
~a Negation. Inverts the bits of a.
a << n Left shift. Shifts the bits in a to the left n positions, discarding bits that fall off on the left, and filling vacated right positions with 0.
a >> n Right shift with sign preserved. Shifts the bits in a to the right n positions, discarding bits that fall off on the right, and filling vacated left positions with 0, except that the leftmost bit in a is preserved.
a >>> n Right shift. Shifts the bits in a to the right n positions, discarding bits that fall off on the right, and filling vacated left positions with 0.


The bitwise logical operators treat the operands and result as a series of 32 bits (like an integer).

AND, OR, and XOR act upon the corresponding bits in the operands and the result. Bit 0 of the first operand combines with bit 0 of the second operand to produce bit 0 of the result; bit 1 of the first operand combines with bit 1 of the second operand to produce bit 1 of the result; and so on.

The negation operator acts upon the corresponding bits in the operand and the result.


This example exercises the bitwise operators with the integer values 9, 5, and -9 as operands. Integer 9 has the bit configuration 1001 preceded by 28 zeros. Integer 5 has the bit configuration 0101 preceded by 28 zeros. Integer -9 has the bit configuration 0111 preceded by 28 ones.
function p(stuff) {
	print("<<<" + stuff + ">>>");

var a = 9; // 0x00000009 bin 0...1001
var b = 5; // 0x00000005 bin 0...0101

p("a & b = " + (a & b)); // 1 0x00000001 bin 0...0001
p("a | b = " + (a | b)); // 13 0x0000000D bin 0...1101
p("a ^ b = " + (a ^ b)); // 12 0x0000000C bin 0...1100
p("~a = " + (~a)); // -10 0xFFFFFFF6 bin 1...0110
p("a << 2 = " + (a << 2)); // 36 0x00000024 0...100100
p("a >> 2 = " + (a >> 2)); // 2 0x00000002 0...0010
p("a >>> 2 = " + (a >>> 2)); // 2 0x00000002 0...0010
p("a >> 2 = " + (-a >> 2)); // -3 0xFFFFFFFD 1...1101
	// -9 is 1...0111 >> 2 = 1...1101

This example demonstrates a function that takes an integer as a parameter and returns its string equivalent in binary format. It shifts the bits one at a time to the right and compares the rightmost bit to 1 (bit on) to construct the return value.

function p(stuff) {
	print("<<<" + stuff + ">>>");

function binaryString(n) {
	var nn = n;
	var ss = "";
	for(var i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
		ss = (1 & nn) + ss;
		nn = nn >> 1;
	return ss;


This example demonstrates a function that takes an integer as a parameter and returns its string equivalent in hexadecimal. It shifts the bits four at a time to the right and calculates the hexadecimal equivalent of the right four bits to construct the return value.

function p(stuff) {
	print("<<<" + stuff + ">>>");

function hexString(n) {
	var nn = n;
	var ss = "";
	for(var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		switch(15 & nn) {
			case 15 : ss = "F" + ss; break;
			case 14 : ss = "E" + ss; break;
			case 13 : ss = "D" + ss; break;
			case 12 : ss = "C" + ss; break;
			case 11 : ss = "B" + ss; break;
			case 10 : ss = "A" + ss; break;
			default : ss = (15 & nn) + ss;
		nn = nn >> 4;
	return ss;
