TextParagraph (NotesRichTextRange - JavaScript™)
Read-only. The text in the range starting at the beginning and ending with a new paragraph.
Defined in
getTextParagraph() : string
This property returns meaningful text for elements of type RTELEM_TYPE_TABLECELL, RTELEM_TYPE_TEXTPARAGRAPH, and RTELEM_TYPE_TEXTRUN. For RTELEM_TYPE_TABLECELL, it returns the first paragraph in the element. For RTELEM_TYPE_TEXTRUN, it returns the text from the beginning of the text run to the end of the text paragraph containing the text run.This property is meaningless for elements of type RTELEM_TYPE_DOCLINK, RTELEM_TYPE_FILEATTACHMENT, RTELEM_TYPE_OLE, RTELEM_TYPE_SECTION, and RTELEM_TYPE_TABLE.