region (Domino DTD)
Represents a region of rich text that follows an element that spans across multiple paragraphs of rich text. DXL handles large spans of rich text by breaking it into multiple elements. The first element is the construct, an actionhotspot element, for example, that exists in the rich text. The remaining paragraphs or areas of rich text are broken into region elements that are identified by unique ids.
Containment Hierarchy
Contained by:;
Contains: %richtext.inline;
<!ELEMENT region ( #PCDATA | %richtext.inline; )*>
#PCDATA | %richtext.inline;
Contains plain text or text that has implicit click action.
<!ATTLIST region
regionid |
%integer; |
end |
%boolean; |
"false" |
If true, indicates that this is the last region element with the ID specified in the regionid attribute for this section of rich text.
Unique ID that identifies a region within a span of rich text.