Table of Notes® and Domino® known limits

The following table summarizes the known maximum limits of various Notes® and Domino® features.


Maximum limit

Database size

The maximum OS file size limit: with ODS 53 up to 256GB. Otherwise, 64GB.

Attachment size

The maximum allowed attachment size is 4GB minus 1 byte.

Text field size

For Domino:

Starting with Domino 9.0.1 FP8, you can increase the document summary data limit on databases to 16 MB. Databases must be at ODS 52 or higher. For more information, see Increase the document summary data limit to 16MB in the Domino documentation.

For Notes:

The Notes client's document summary data limit is 64 KB.

Rich text field size

Limited only by available disk space up to 1GB

Response levels in a hierarchical view; number of documents per level

31 levels; 300,000 documents

Characters in names

Database Title: 96 bytes

Filenames: On Windows and UNIX platforms minimum of 255 and/or OS limits; on local Macintosh workstation 31

Field names: 32 characters (32 bytes in SBCS, 64 bytes in DBCS)

View names: 63 bytes per level, 127 total including one separator

Form names: 63 bytes per level, 127 total including one separator

Agent names: 63 bytes per level, 127 total including one separator

Fields in a database

Up to 64,000. Requires ODS 53, Notes and Domino 11, and the database property "Allow more fields in database" enabled.

Otherwise, with "Allow more fields in database" enabled, up to about 22,000 fields. Without the property enabled, about 3000 fields with a limit of about 64K total length for all field names.

Columns in a table


Rows in a table


Views in a database

No limit; however, as the number of views increases, the length of time to display other views also increases

Forms in a database

Limited only by database size.

Columns in a view

289 ten-character columns; dependent upon # or characters per column

Documents imported into a view

Documents totaling at least 350K

Cascading views in a database


Margin size (in inches)


Page cropping size (in inches)


Point size to select or print


Documents in a view

Up to the maximum size of the database

Formula language code can be placed in a view


Documents that can be exported to tabular text

Limited only by available disk space

Entries in an Access Control List (ACL)

65,535 entries with ODS 55 and NSF_ENABLE_LARGE_ACL=1. Otherwise, ~950 entries.

ACL size is limited to 32767 bytes

Roles in an Access Control List

75 Roles

ID password length

63 characters

Authorized users on a multiple password ID

8 users

Outline entries in an outline

~21,000 entries

Length limit for a macro language string literal

2048 bytes

Note: Strings in formula language are represented internally in the LMBCS character set, which uses one byte for an ASCII character, but may require up to 4 bytes for some non-ASCII characters.

Notes® API objects when using Java
