Locating and extracting substrings

The following @functions locate and extract substrings:



@Begins(string ; sub)

Determines whether a string begins with a substring.

@Contains(string ; sub)

Determines whether a string contains a substring.

@Contains(string; list)

Determines whether a string contains any substring in a list.

@Ends(string ; sub)

Determines whether a string ends with a substring.


Extracts the directory part of a file path name.

@Left(string ; n)

Extracts the leftmost n characters from a string.

@Left(string ; sub)

Extracts the leftmost characters from a string up to a substring, searching left to right.

@LeftBack (string ; n)

Extracts the leftmost characters from a string up to the nth character from the right.

@LeftBack(string ; sub)

Extracts the leftmost characters from a string up to a substring, searching right to left.

@Middle(string ; off ; n)

Extracts n characters from a string starting at an offset, searching left to right.

@Middle(string ; sub ; n)

Extracts n characters from a string starting at a substring, searching left to right.

@Middle(string ; off ; sub)

Extracts characters from a string starting at an offset and stopping at a substring, searching left to right.

@Middle(string ; sub ; sub)

Extracts characters from a string starting and stopping at substrings, searching left to right.

@MiddleBack(str ; off ; n)

Extracts n characters from a string starting at an offset, searching right to left.

@MiddleBack(str ; sub ; n)

Extracts n characters from a string starting at a substring, searching right to left.

@MiddleBack(str ; off ; sub)

Extracts characters from a string starting at an offset and stopping at a substring, searching right to left.

@MiddleBack(str ; sub ; sub)

Extracts characters from a string starting and stopping at substrings, searching right to left.

@ReplaceSubstring(source ; from ; to)

Replaces "from" with "to" in source. If "from" and "to" are lists, replaces corresponding entries in order.

@Right(string ; n)

Extracts the rightmost n characters from a string.

@Right(string ; sub)

Extracts the rightmost characters from a string up to a substring, searching left to right.

@RightBack(string ; n)

Extracts the rightmost characters from a string up to the nth character from the left.

@RightBack(string ; sub)

Extracts the rightmost characters from a string up to a substring, searching right to left.

@Word(string ; sep ; n)

Extracts word n from a string where words are the text between specified separators.

@Word(list ; sep ; n)

Extracts word n from each string in a list where words are the text between specified separators.