FindFreeTimeDialog @Command (Formula Language)

Opens the Free Time dialog box to allow searches for available meeting times.


@Command( [FindFreeTimeDialog]; reqPeopleItems; optPeopleItems; reqRoomsItems ; optRoomsItems; reqResourcesItems; optResourcesItems; removedPeopleItems; startDateTime; endDateTime )



Text or text list. Names of fields (items) in the current document that contain names of people required at the meeting.


Text or text list. Optional. Names of fields (items) in the current document that contain names of people whose attendance is optional.


Text or text list. Optional. Names of fields (items) in the current document that contain names of rooms required for the meeting.


Text or text list. Optional. Names of fields (items) in the current document that contain names of optional rooms.


Text or text list. Optional. Names of fields (items) in the current document that contain names of resources required for the meeting.


Text or text list. Optional. Names of fields (items) in the current document that contain names of optional resources.


Text or text list. Optional. Names of fields (items) in the current document that contain names of people to remove from the attendance list.


Text. Name of a Time field (item) in the current document that contains the start time for the meeting. You must specify the start date time.


Text. Name of a Time field (item) in the current document that contains the end time for the meeting. You must specify the end date time.


  • If you don't need a parameter, use consecutive quotes ("") to omit it.
  • The meeting time should not span midnight.
  • The user can adjust the values specified here through the dialog box.

This command does not work on the Web.


This @command opens the Free Time dialog box with required people from the From and SendTo fields in the current document, and times from the StartDateTime and EndDateTime fields.
@Command([FindFreeTimeDialog]; "From" : "SendTo"; ""; ""; ""; ""; ""; ""; "StartDateTime"; "EndDateTime")