Examples: GetNextSibling method (NotesView - LotusScript®))

  1. This script gets the second main document in the Main View of a database, skipping over any responses to the first main document.
    • If the Main View is categorized and firstMainDoc is the only main document in its category, GetNextSibling returns Nothing, even if there are more main documents in other categories in the view.
    • If the Main View is categorized and firstMainDoc is not the only main document in its category, GetNextSibling returns the next main document in the same category as currentDoc.
    • If the Main View is not categorized, GetNextSibling returns the next main document.
      Dim db As New NotesDatabase( "Providence", "buddy.nsf" )
      Dim view As NotesView
      Dim firstMainDoc As NotesDocument
      Dim secondMainDoc As NotesDocument
      Set view = db.GetView( "Main View" )
      Set firstMainDoc = view.GetFirstDocument
      Set secondMainDoc = view.GetNextSibling( firstMainDoc )
  2. The script calculates an item value in a main document based on item values in its response documents. Here, the total item in a main document is calculated to be the sum of all the total items of its responses. The script moves from one main document to the next and from one response document to the next. The Main View is not categorized.
    Dim db As New NotesDatabase( "Cape-Town", "richardj.nsf" )
    Dim view As NotesView
    Dim parentDoc As NotesDocument
    Dim responseDoc As NotesDocument
    Set view = db.GetView( "Main View" )
    Set parentDoc = view.GetFirstDocument     
    '   Visit each main document in the view
    While Not ( parentDoc Is Nothing )
      newTotal% = 0
      Set responseDoc = view.GetChild( parentDoc )
      '   Visit each of the parent's response documents
      While Not ( responseDoc Is Nothing )
        subtotal = responseDoc.GetItemValue( "total" )
        newTotal% = newTotal% + Cint( subtotal( 0 ) )
        Set responseDoc = view.GetNextSibling( responseDoc )
      '   Put the new total onto the parent document
      Call parentDoc.ReplaceItemValue( "total", newTotal% )
      Call parentDoc.Save( True, False )
      Set parentDoc = view.GetNextSibling( parentDoc )