createDateTime (Session - Java)

Creates a DateTime object that represents a specified date and time.

Defined in



public DateTime createDateTime(String date)
    throws NotesException
public DateTime createDateTime(java.util.Date date)
    throws NotesException
public DateTime createDateTime(java.util.Calendar date)
    throws NotesException
Note: This signature is new with Release 6.


String date

The date and time you want the object to represent. See DateTime for formats. An invalid date-time or empty string results in an "Invalid date" exception.

java.util.Date date

The date and time you want the object to represent using a java.util.Date object.

java.util.Calendar date

The date, time, and time zone you want the object to represent using a java.util.Calendar object.

Return value


The newly created date-time.


See DateTime for descriptions and examples.