Language differences between LotusScript® and Visual Basic
Note the following language differences between LotusScript® and Visual Basic:
- LotusScript® uses
ForAll ... End ForAll. Visual Basic uses For Each ... Next.
- Visual Basic does not support the compiler directives %Rem, %End Rem, %If, %Elseif, %Else, %End If, and %Include.
- Visual Basic does not support the vertical bar | and braces {} for delimiting strings.
- Visual Basic does not support &B for binary literals. It does support &H and &O for hexadecimal and octal literals.
- LotusScript® uses Format to format dates. Visual Basic uses FormatDateTime.
- LotusScript® does
not support CDec.
- Visual Basic does not support Today.
- LotusScript® does not support the Err intrinsic object. Visual Basic does not support On Error with an error number as a parameter.