Using jQuery as part of responsive design support
jQuery is a JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document navigating, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions used in web application development.
jQuery is packaged as part of the XPages Responsive Bootstrap plugin.
is provided as a resource in the
Bootstrap4, Bootstrap3, and
Bootstrap3_flat themes.
Using jQuery in your XPages application separate from Bootstrap
However, if you wish to use jQuery in your XPages application separate from Bootstrap, this can be done using several methods.
As a first method, you can add the resource to an XPage as
src="/.ibmxspres/.extlib/responsive/jquery/jquery.min.js" clientSide="true">
Another method you can use is to add the jQuery resource to a custom theme in your XPage
application's resources and then set your application to use that theme. Using this method, jQuery
will be available on every XPage in the application. For
<theme extends="Bootstrap3"
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="platform:/plugin/" >
You can also use jQuery in an XPage
by adding it in a script block:
<xp:scriptBlock id="script1">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[XSP.addOnLoad( function() {
$("*[id$='myText']").html("This is JQUERY!");
<xp:div id="myText"></xp:div>
You can also
add jQuery to the onClientLoad event of an XPage or Custom Control
OR add it as a client side event, such as on a button's
as in this example:<xp:button value="Click me" id="button1">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="false">
$("*[id$='myText']").html("This is JQUERY!");
<xp:div id="myText">No jquery :(</xp:div>
Avoiding issues with using jQuery with XPages
One issue with using jQuery in XPages is that you cannot pass IDs with colons as a jQuery selector, as the colon is a special character. As such, you cannot use the standard jQuery method to select elements on an XPage using their ID.
There are some methods available
to avoid this issue. One way you can avoid the colons in IDs when
passing them to jQuery is by prefixing each colon with two back slashes
as follows:
HTML: <xp:inputText id="view:_id1:input1" class="inputClass1"></xp:inputText>
jQuery Selector: $('#view\\:_id1\\input1)
method you can use to avoid the colons in IDs when passing them to
jQuery is to use a CSS class name as a selector instead:
HTML: <xp:inputText id="view:_id1:input1" class="inputClass1"></xp:inputText>
jQuery Selector: $('.inputClass1')
You can also
use wildcard characters to specify what the ID ends with. The following
selector specifies any element (indicated by the
*in the selector) whose ID ends with (indicated by
id$=in the selector) a particular ID value:
HTML: <xp:inputText id="view:_id1:input1" class="inputClass1"></xp:inputText>
jQuery Selector: $("*[id$='input1']")
Finally, an XSnippet available on OpenNTF, provides a custom jQuery selector function for XPages.
This function automatically prefixes colons with the double backslash escape
characters. This snippet has been incorporated into the XPages Responsive Bootstrap
plugin. It can be found in the following resource, which is provided by the
Bootstrap themes, or can be added as a resource to your