imageValues - Image List

Specifies a list of images.




	<xe:selectImage attributes>content</xe:selectImage>


In Design mode, click All Properties and look for imageValues under basics.
Each image is defined by an object of type xe:selectImage with properties as follows:
Table 1. xe:selectImage properties
Property Description
image="name" Name of the image file, for example, /folder.gif, that is displayed for the value.
imageAlt="text" Alternative text if the image cannot be displayed.
loaded="true|false" Whether the tag instance should be created when the page is loading. Defaults to true.
selectedImage="name" Name of the image file, for example, /folder.gif, that is displayed for the value when it is selected.
selectedStyle="name" Style for a selected value.
selectedClass="name" Style class for a selected value.
selectedValue="value" Value returned when the image is selected.
style="style,..." Space-separated list of CSS styles applied when the control is rendered.
styleClass="class,..." Space-separated list of CSS style classes applied when the control is rendered.
title="title" Advisory title.


This example consists of an Image Select control bound to a scoped variable, a button for submitting the page, and a computed field that displays the value of the scoped variable.
		<xp:td>Image Select</xp:td>
			<xe:djextImageSelect id="djextImageSelect1"
					<xe:selectImage image="/folder.gif"
						selectedValue="folder" selectedImage="/folder.gif">
					<xe:selectImage image="/link.gif"
						selectedImage="/link.gif" selectedValue="link">
					<xe:selectImage image="/binary.gif"
						selectedImage="/binary.gif" selectedValue="binary">
			<xp:button value="submit" id="button1"><xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true" refreshMode="complete" immediate="false" save="true"></xp:eventHandler></xp:button></xp:td>
			<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1"