hasEntry (XSPUserAgent - JavaScript)

Checks if the user agent header field contains an entry.


hasEntry(entry:string) : boolean
Parameters Description
string The name of the entry.
Return value Description
boolean true if the header field contains the entry; false otherwise.


The format of an entry in the user agent header field is entryname/version. For example, the following header has entries for Mozilla, Gecko, and Firefox:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1


This computed field displays a message depending on the version of the Mozilla entry:
if(context.getUserAgent().hasEntry("Mozilla")) {
	if(context.getUserAgent().getVersionNumber("Mozilla") < 5.0) {
		"Mozilla version must be at least 5.0. Current version is " +