concat (Array - JavaScript)

Constructs a new array from an array plus appended elements.

Defined in

Array (Standard - JavaScript)


concat(object:java.lang.Object, ...) : Object (JavaScript)[]
Parameters Description
object The value of a new element. A parameter can be an array. There can be any number of parameters.
Return value Description
Object[] The new array. The new array contains the elements of the base array followed by the values of the parameters.


This method does not modify the base array.


This computed label constructs a new array by concatenating two arrays and a string.
var a = new Array("one", "two", "three");
var b = new Array("four", "five");
var abc = a.concat(b, "six");
var display = "";
for(var i=0; i<abc.length; i++) {
	display = display + abc[i] + ", ";
display = display.left(display.length - 2);
display // one, two, three, four, five, six