LotusScript® operators

LotusScript® uses the following operators:

  • Arithmetic, for performing basic addition operations
    Print 3 + 4          'Prints 7
  • Bitwise, for performing bitwise arithmetic
    ' Calculate the logical product of binary values 10 and 11.
    2 And 3
  • Boolean, for testing two operand expressions for their truth value (True or False)
    (4 > 0) And (4 < 10)	         ' Output is True
  • Relational (comparison), for comparing values
    Print 7 <= 8                  ' Prints True
  • String concatenation, for joining discrete elements to form a single string
    Print "My cat " & "Geoffrey"  ' Prints My cat Geoffrey
  • String relational (comparison), for determining the relative positions of two strings in ASCII sort order
    Print "kid" < "kit"	         ' Prints True
  • Assignment, for assigning values to variables and properties
    newInt% = 8 + 12
    Print newInt%                 ' Prints 20 
  • The Is operator, for comparing the values of object reference variables to see if they are equal.
    Class ClassA
    End Class
    Dim X As New ClassA
    Dim Y As ClassA
    Set Y = X
    Print X Is Y
    ' Output: True