Examples: Common property

  1. This agent creates a hierarchical name then displays the common name.
    Sub Initialize
      Dim session As New NotesSession
      Dim nam As NotesName
      REM Create a hierarchical name
      Set nam = session.CreateName( _
      "CN=John B Goode/OU=Sales/OU=East/O=Acme/C=US")
      REM Returns "John B Goode"
      Messagebox nam.Common,, "Common name"
    End Sub
  2. This agent creates an Internet name then displays the common name (LocalPart).
    Sub Initialize
      Dim session As New NotesSession
      Dim nam As NotesName
      REM Create an internet name
      Set nam = session.CreateName( _
      REM Returns "John_B_Goode"
      Messagebox nam.Common,, "Common name"
    End Sub